A Daughter’s Confirmation Inheritance

April 1, 2012 – Palm Sunday

Aubrey and Leah Confirmation

Rev. George Ferch

Job 42:12-15


Dearly loved by God in Christ, especially Aubrey and Leah,

  Job enjoyed a special blessing from God, twice. Job had daughters. A mighty wind had collapsed the house they were in killing all Job’s children. The LORD blessed Job later with seven sons, and three daughters.

  Solomon wrote in Psalm 127, “Sons are a heritage of the LORD, children a reward from him.” Fathers with daughters experience the unique reward the LORD has given us. A daughter occupies a special place in her father’s heart. It is not better, just different. If you don’t believe that, just ask her brother!

  While fathers always see their daughters’ outward beauty, even more a Christian father desires for his daughters the beauty of a virtuous spirit. Such a spirit comes by the Holy Spirit. It is her inheritance of God’s love that saves her, and God’s commands in the law that guide her. Aubrey and Leah, those two blessings are A Daughter’s Confirmation Inheritance.

  It is telling that Job gave an inheritance to his daughters since inheritance usually went only to sons. Job expresses by this his appreciation that they were along with their brothers “a heritage from the LORD.” They were not meant to replace their sisters who had died but were a new and ongoing blessing from God to their father, and to their mother although the writer does not mention her here.

“Nowhere in all the land were found women as beautiful,” as Jemimah, Keziah, and Keren-Happuch. How happy and proud Job must have been. On your Confirmation Day we want to look beyond the beauty that was only as deep as these sisters’ skin. Each of Job’s daughters was more beautiful than those around her by virtue of God’s love that saved her. Theirhearts beautiful in the promised Savior made them doubly attractive.

How did they come to know that Savior? They came to know him the same way you have-through your father. Your fathers, and mothers, taught you the truths of God’s Word from the Bible and in your catechism instruction. They pointed you to Jesus’ cross and empty tomb. 

  Job would have told his daughters as your parents have told you how you and they singreatly and yet God continues to love all of us because of Jesus. Job’s girls saw and you have seen the LORD bring your fathers and mothers up from the depths of loss and hurt and pain strengthening their faith by God’s love that saves us in Christ Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross. You and Job’s daughters know, “My Redeemer lives,” because with them you have heard your fathers confess, “I know that my Redeemer lives.”

  In a moment you will confess publicly your faith in that first of a daughter’s confirmation inheritance, God’s love that saves her. You also will promise to use the second confirmation inheritance a daughter receives, God’s commands in the law that guide her.

Aubrey and Leah, you will continue to grow and mature in your saving faith as you do not despise God’s Word but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it. You will receive the Lord’s Supper. You know that God’s law is the guide or rule for your Christian life. Your hearts now radiant in God’s love for you in your Savior, Jesus Christ, will shine out in good works which the Spirit reminded us weeks ago, God has prepared in advance for us to do.

  As you mature in your faith, others will see your inner attractiveness by virtue of your modesty, gentleness, purity, self-control, and love. The Ten Commandments will be the lamp for your feet and the light for your path as your travel the narrow way to heaven. They will be your compass as you have to navigate the storms and reefs of growing up with a sinful nature in a sinful world with Satan always trying to deceive you into thinking life would be so much better without God interfering.

  You have inherited this knowledge and wisdom from your father and mother. They have taught and are teaching you right from wrong by word and by example. They love God’s holy will and have shared with you God’s unchanging moral code. You are growing up in a time when many around you have dismissed as silly and useless any absolutes. By memorizing the commandments and Luther’s explanations you have written his law on your hearts. You have it for ready reference when you face temptations to sin.

  Remember in those times when you are tempted to forsake God’s Word and willJesus’ parable about those who hear his words and put them into practice. They are like the wise man who built his house on the rock. His house withstood all the storms that came against it.

When I was confirmed a few years ago, my confirmation inheritance was this gold ring. It belonged to my grandfather and I have worn ever since. It is engraved with the letters G and F since his name was George Ferch. Even though I never met him, this inheritance reminds me daily of him and what I have as his grandson. What I have best of all by God’s grace is his Christian faith that saved him, and God’s will that guidedhim. That faith saves me and that will guides me.

Aubrey and Leah, these are A daughter’s Confirmation Inheritance, yours today, and we pray with you that you treasure them always. God bless you. Amen. <SDG>