Epiphany 2

January 15, 2012

John 1:43-51

Jesus Gathers Followers into his Ministry

Rev. George Ferch


Dearly loved by God in Christ Jesus,

     At Jesus’ baptism, the Father revealed his Son to be the Messiah. There is no mistaking that Jesus of Nazareth is the LORD’s Servant to display the splendor of God’s undeserved love to the lost world. The Holy Spirit put Jesus to that work quickly. The Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness so that Satan could tempt Jesus for 40 days. There as our Substitute, Jesus overcame those temptations and sent the devil packing.

     Now following our Savior’s triumph over temptation by Satan Jesus sets out on his mission. The first thing he would do was gather a following. Jesus anticipated the day he would return to heaven after his resurrection. He would leave qualified disciples, students, behind to carry on the gospel ministry.

     Jesus did not go to the theologians or scholars for his disciples. He did not go even to Jerusalem or Judea. The LORD’s servant set out for the northern province of Galilee. It was from among the Galileans that Jesus Gathers Followers into his Ministry. Our Savior seeks and calls us to him. Our Savior’s ministry bridges heaven and earth.

1.   Our Lord did not advertise for disciples. He did not ask for resumes or tell anyone to call him or come and see him. Our Savior seeks and calls disciples to him. Our Savior seeks and calls us to him. On the way to Galilee, Jesus saw a man named Philip. Jesus simply by his all powerful word called Philip to discipleship, “Follow me.” It is the same powerful gospel word that sought us and called us to faith when that word was connected to water in our holy baptism.

     Philip was a Galilean and acquaintance of Peter and Andrew. Earlier Jesus had called those brothers into his ministry. Our Savior gathered these men and Philip into his ministry like a magnet gathers metal filings. The filings do not attract and pull the magnet to them. The magnet by its power attracts and pulls the metal filings to it. Philip believed Jesus was the Messiah. He immediately went and confessed his faith to his other friend, Nathaniel, also called Bartholomew.

     Together they had looked forward in anticipation to the revelation of the Messiah. They had been searching the Scripture about this very thing. They knew Moses and the prophets so they would be able to recognize the Savior when he appeared. Philip pointed Nathaniel to that Scripture study. “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote-Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”

     Nathaniel was doubtful at first but Philip encouraged him. Being generous, Nazareth was a wide spot in the road. The Old Testament never had mentioned it. Some commentators suggest the people of that area had a reputation of not seeing what was right in front of them. I mentioned last Sunday not being hard on the people of Nazareth since they had known Jesus all his life. At the same time, their stubborn resistance to see Jesus as the Messiah, and their action of trying to throw him off a cliff, might give some context to Nathaniel’s observation, “Can anything good come from there?”

     Philip’s encouragement is a good model for us. When our family or friends are dubious about Jesus being the Savior, or doubtful that any organized religion actually is interested more in them than the organization, say to them what Philip said to his friend. Invite them, “Come and see.”

     Our Savior intervened and gathered Nathaniel also into his ministry testifying to his omniscience. Jesus had seen Nathaniel sitting under a fig tree before Philip had talked with him.  Jesus saw into Nathaniel’s heart. He saw there was nothing false in him. Nathaniel like Simeon and Anna had been waiting for the consolation of Israel. Nathaniel was a true Israelite not just one outwardly. He knew what to look for, was looking forward to it, and by the power of the Spirit through Jesus’ word to him confessed his faith in Jesus to be the Messiah. “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.”

     There are those who are Christians outwardly by their association with the visible church. There are true Christians who recognize that Jesus is the Anointed One by God and is their Redeemer. By the Spirit’s power through Word and sacrament we know what to look for, are looking for it, and see it in Jesus Christ. Like the “Domino effect” our Savior gathers followers into his ministry-Jesus to Philip, Philip to Nathaniel. It has gone from the earliest disciples who later became apostles down to us. With them we are part of Jesus’ ministry. Our Savior’s ministry bridges heaven and earth.

2.   Our Savior promised Nathaniel, “You shall see greater things than that.  Nathaniel like Jacob would see heaven opened. Jacob’s ladder bridged heaven and earth in his vision. He saw the angels ascending and descending. What did it mean? God had ended the divide between himself and lost mankind. The sins and trespasses that closed heaven to us have been removed.

     Jacob’s ladder is a shadow of Christ. Jacob’s vision as he fled from his brother Esau was meant to assure him that God would keep his promise of the Messiah. Our Savior’s ministry keeps God’s promise. Jesus bridges heaven and earth. Jesus and his ministry are one in the same. His ministry or service was to take the guilt and punishment of our sins on himself. His work was to be one who opened heaven to us.

     This is the first place Jesus called himself “the Son of Man.” It was Jesus’ favorite nametag. It is Jesus’ stark acknowledgement that man has the great need of forgiveness of sins. With this name Jesus states clearly that he became a man to be that forgiveness for us. He is the bridge as we take our sins to God in confession and repentance. He is the bridge that brings salvation down to us. Jesus Christ is the way to heaven as he carried out his ministry, his service, to the lost world. He continues to be our bridge to God as our Mediator who daily intercedes on our behalf.

     Like Philip and Nathaniel, along with their fellow Galileans, Peter and Andrew we believe because Jesus gathered us into his ministry. We have seen that Jesus’ ministry is the bridge between heaven and earth. We are part of it. Our Savior has left his ministry to us. The church is the place where heaven is open in Christ. Heed Jesus’ call, “Follow me.”  Share Philip’s invite with others, “Come and see.” Amen. <SDG>