The Lord Raises Up a Sprout Just Like Him

Advent 1, December 2, 2012

Rev. George Ferch

Jeremiah 33:14-16

Fellow-Redeemed in Christ Jesus,

Some years ago in a commercial, Green Giant foods featured the Jolly Green Giant. Do you remember the name of the little child who was with him? It was Sprout. Back in the day, “sprout” was a fairly common nickname for a child.

  Another place we find sprouts of a different kind, or new growth, is from the stump of a tree. If you do not remove all the roots and the stump, sprouts will keep coming back no matter how frequently you take them off.

  Jeremiah used this picture to describe the New Testament Church that sprouts from Christ. Just as Sprout was very much like the Green Giant, and new growth from a stump is like the tree, so The Lord Raises Up a Sprout Just Like Him. God always keeps the promises he makes. The sprout beats the name the Lord our Righteousness.

  Today, we begin the church year, particularly its festival half with Advent. In a way, we are beginning a study of the Apostles’ Creed. The Festival half of the church year takes us through the redemptive work the Father, Son and Holy Spirit carried out on our behalf.

  What a good way to begin. Jesus came. Jesus comes. Jesus is coming again. We begin with preparation for Jesus’ coming into Bethlehem, his coming in Word and sacrament, and his coming on the clouds. We prepare to welcome Jesus by repentance. The liturgical color, therefore, is violet, the same as Lent.

  Jeremiah’s days were a time when God’s people needed repentance. The LORD had called the prophet to preach repentance to the nation who had turned away from him to false gods. Because they would not repent, soon the Babylonians would carry them away from Judah and Jerusalem into 70 years of captivity in that foreign land. God would not let them go without hope, however. God had a plan and a purpose for them. God made them several promises.

  We can say that Advent is about God’s promises made and kept. Advent is a repetition of a promise made to Judah and Jerusalem. In Jeremiah 23 God promised, “I will raise up to David a Righteous Branch, a king who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land…he will be called the LORD our Righteousness.” This is the LORD’s promise of the coming Savior. Even though his people had been unfaithful to him, the LORD would be faithful to the promise he had made to Abraham and repeated throughout the monarchy. This king, unlike the evil kings in both the northern and southern kingdoms would rule with wisdom, justice, and righteousness. He would save Judah and Israel from their sins. He would keep them safe in his power and grace.

  Advent is about the Lord raising up that king, that Righteous Branch. It is about God keeping his promise to send the Savior. Even though we have been unfaithful to God by our sins, God’s promise remains sure for us. As we prepare for Jesus’ coming in all its aspects by repenting of our sins and trusting in Jesus Christ, we find his wisdom, justice and righteousness always there for our forgiveness. God always keeps the promises he makes.

  This promise in our text is not merely a repeat of the promise of the Righteous Branch. This promise is about the sprout that comes forth from him. That sprout is just like him. The sprout the Lord raises up just like him is the Holy Christian Church. Just like Christ, the church bears the name the LORD our Righteousness.

  To put it simply, there is no salvation apart from the church. The church is the spiritual body of Christ who is our head. Like a father bears a child whom he might call sprout, we believers are the sprouts who are like our Savior  The Father has imputed to us Christ’s righteousness under the law, and given us the eternal benefit of Christ’s sacrifice for us on the cross. The LORD is our Righteousness  That is the family name we bear.

  The church is Judah and Jerusalem. We are saved and dwell in safety in Christ. Jesus is the Righteous Branch who sprouted once from David’s line. He was we might say cut down by his enemies on the cross. Yet from him sprouts the New Testament Church just like young shoots come from a stump. And like them, the church keeps sprouting over and over again with new growth.

  People today including we are looking for justice and rightness. We won’t find it in the sinful plans and actions of men. We do find it in the LORD our Righteousness. We are the LORD’s righteousness through Christ. We find justice and rightness in the church. Here we have the perfect obedience of Christ through faith and purity from our sins by the washing of water with the Word. Here in the church we have the just and right verdict of not guilty for our sins. We know that God will keep his promise that whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved. We trust in our hope that God will not change his mind about his verdict. Believers though still sinful stand before Jesus’s manger, hear the Word and receive the sacraments, stand before the judgment seat of Christ righteous in God’s sight for we are like our Brother.

  Those in Judah who trusted in these promises God made them through Jeremiah were saved by their faith as members of the church. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and you too will be saved and find safety. There is no salvation apart from the church because there is no salvation apart from Jesus Christ. The church is the sprout that comes from Christ and is just like him.

  The first Advent message for us is that Jesus is coming just as God promised. As the sprouts of that Righteous Branch we are just like him because through faith we have what he prepared for us. We are safe in the church. We render justice and righteousness in the land through the Word.

  As the church, we gather for worship in what we call the nave. Nave means ship. Our joint worship in this nave pictures our safety in the ship, the ark of our salvation, the Holy Christian Church. She bears the name the LORD our Righteousness for we are the Righteous sprouts from David’s line, from Jesus Christ. Amen. <SDG>